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QADR (The Muslims)

The Muslims

The Muslims are not for the weak. The Durham-based, all-queer, POC punk band is known for using their music to call out racism, the American political landscape, and white supremacy, and they're not afraid to hurt your feelings in the process. Formed after the 2016 election, the group uses their shared experiences as multi-racial Muslims, as well as ridiculously offensive satire, to bring these issues to the forefront and ignite a fire for societal change in anyone who listens.

On this hilariously great episode of Grrrl Talk, we were happy to sit down with vocalist and guitarist QADR. The three of us talked about their recent signing to Epitaph Records and their newest single, "Fuck These Fuckin Fascists," how they're able to combat serious issues such as racism, homophobia, and white supremacy through political satire, the best reactions they've gotten to their music, and how progressive Gen Z bands are reclaiming what it means to be punk rock. And, in true Muslims fashion, we also talked about the art of trolling, recording in a toaster, and may have inadvertently helped start a cult with their fan base.

Check it out!

Follow The Muslims on Instagram at @themuzlimz, @themuzlimz on Twitter, and The Muslims on Facebook.


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