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Photo by Leigh Ann Rogers

Being a young, new band on the scene can be tough. Building a following, creating a platform, and making music that not only you’re proud of, but is something fans can connect with, can frankly take bands years to do – that’s not the case with Pinkshift. After having to cancel their first ever tour as a four-piece due to the pandemic, they’ve had to rely strictly on social media to get their name out there, and they’ve certainly done a great job at that. They’ve amassed over 47,000 listeners on Spotify, created a song that has since gone viral, and they were called one of 2020’s most vital new punk bands. They’re doing everything right for such a young band.

While attending John’s Hopkins University, vocalist Ashrita Kumar and guitarist Paul Vallejo quickly realized that there wasn’t really a rock or punk scene on campus. The two then met drummer Myron Houngbedji (then collectively known as Sugar Crisis). After finding bassist Erich Weinroth (via Tinder), the band changed their name to Pinkshift - and the rest is history!

On this episode of Grrrl Talk we chat with Baltimore’s Pinkshift. Despite only having released a few singles and a demo, they’ve grown quite the following. We discussed the DIY aspect of making music videos, being a new band during a pandemic, cover songs, as well as our current political state, as this interview took place directly after the events on the Capitol.

Check it out!

Follow Pinkshift on Instagram at @pinkshiftmd, @pinkshiftmd on Twitter, and Pinkshift on Facebook. You can keep up with the band here.


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