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Photo by DK Tong

VIAL may be new to the music scene, but they are certainly leaving a lasting impression. Hailing from Minneapolis, VIAL (KT, Kate, Katie and Taylor) create music that is brave, honest, and ferociously catchy - along with lyrics that amplify issues that are often stigmatized - proving that this band is wise beyond their years. Their 2019 full-length, Grow Up, is filled with songs that are vulnerable and relatable, and the re-imagined track “Or Die” (previously DIY) highlights how cutthroat the punk scene can be for those who are not cisgender white males.

On this episode of Grrrl Talk, we chat with KT (they/them), Kate (they/them), Katie (she/they), and Taylor (she/they). We discuss their record, the Minneapolis music scene, their huge Tik Tok presence, and find out exactly what everyone has been googling during quarantine.

Check it out!

Follow VIAL on Instagram @vialmpls, @vialmpls on Twitter, and VIAL on Facebook. You can purchase their music here.


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